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George Knapp AMA - Your Questions
(04-18-2024, 01:29 PM)DBCowboy Wrote: I was stationed at RAF Bentwaters in the 80's.

Would love to get some insight on the Rendlesham Forrest events.

My wife is seriously convinced that the entire moon landing was faked, after the Apollo 1 accident that killed the three astronauts, they moved on with near complete success without engineering flaws.

How was this possible in the 1960's?

Oh, I can't help myself... perhaps soon we can discuss this at length in some other thread. Apologies in advance for the slight thread drift... (I kind of agree with your wife, but not entirely: I think what we were shown of the moon landing was, at least in part, faked... but we did get there.)

Considering your personal familiarity with Bentwaters, I can imagine how interesting the Rendlesham Forest incident must be.

Hopefully Mr. Knapp has something to say about this....
Ok, I've thought of what I would like to ask George... a blast from the past.  Beer
Quote:Dear Mr. Knapp, 

If I recall correctly, back in the early and mid 90s, you obtained classified Russian UFO documents and information.

Q.1 Since then, have you been able to follow up on that information and/or had any updates from your contacts, Sokolov and Maltsev?

Q. 2 Without going into details, does the information dovetail with the UFO/UAP phenomenon in the West?

Thank you for sharing whatever you can.
(04-16-2024, 01:34 AM)TSK Wrote:
Mr. Knapp graciously agreed to participate in a predrafted AMA (Ask Me Anything) session, where we'll curate the top questions for him to address. For those unfamiliar, George Knapp is a renowned American television investigative journalist, notable for his coverage of paranormal phenomena and UFOs. His groundbreaking investigations into Area 51, a secretive US Air Force facility in Nevada, catapulted him to national recognition. Knapp's insightful reporting, which often includes interviews with alleged whistleblowers and individuals with insider information, has earned him numerous prestigious awards, such as the Peabody Award and multiple Emmys.

Beyond television, Knapp is the weekend host of the popular radio show "Coast to Coast AM," delving into subjects spanning from the paranormal to conspiracy theories. He's also a prolific writer, contributing to various publications and authoring books on UFOs and related topics. Widely regarded as a leading figure in investigative journalism, Knapp's work extends into the realm of unconventional subjects, solidifying his reputation in the field.

Lets hear your questions!!!
This should be great!!!!!
(04-18-2024, 12:48 PM)Maxmars Wrote: I remember that tragic story Mr. Knapp reported about the wild mustang population being thoroughly decimate by the Bureau of Land Management practices! 

Follow-up question for Mr. Knapp on that story:  Has the BLM changed their cruel practices, was there any continued investigation of their policies by the authorities?  It seemed like the many organizations dedicated to improving the lot of animals would have been deeply involved in this... were they?

Every time I see the initials "BLM" I think of Black Lives Matter now.

I lived through and witnessed that fiasco in Charlottesville, VA when I lived there.  

BLM, Antifa and the KKK.

What could possibly go wrong?

Cicada 3301  * That which is hidden will be revealed * 
Hello George

Do you have any specific info about the "containers" topic which humans were called "the containers" by the ailens which Bob told us? What would be your guess about this topic if you haven't heard more details?

Thank you.
(04-16-2024, 01:34 AM)TSK Wrote:
Mr. Knapp graciously agreed to participate in a predrafted AMA (Ask Me Anything) session, where we'll curate the top questions for him to address. For those unfamiliar, George Knapp is a renowned American television investigative journalist, notable for his coverage of paranormal phenomena and UFOs. His groundbreaking investigations into Area 51, a secretive US Air Force facility in Nevada, catapulted him to national recognition. Knapp's insightful reporting, which often includes interviews with alleged whistleblowers and individuals with insider information, has earned him numerous prestigious awards, such as the Peabody Award and multiple Emmys.

Beyond television, Knapp is the weekend host of the popular radio show "Coast to Coast AM," delving into subjects spanning from the paranormal to conspiracy theories. He's also a prolific writer, contributing to various publications and authoring books on UFOs and related topics. Widely regarded as a leading figure in investigative journalism, Knapp's work extends into the realm of unconventional subjects, solidifying his reputation in the field.

Lets hear your questions!!!

Just an FYI as your thread here has been picked up and referenced on ATS.

My question to George is to why he blew me and my evidence off providing a link between Lazars videos of the craft in 1988 above AREA 51 performing radical manuevors, my May 1988 video that was reported on NUFORC and image enanced by The Black Vault in writing along with a picture and connection to similiar craft as seen over Lake Erie off Cleveland as videoed by Michael Lee Hill. 

We have several witnesses of the same craft across several years. I only submitted one sighting to NUFORC as its all rigged IMO. What we saw in 2018 performing radical manuevors in space and what Lazar fimed in 1988, and what Hill filmed over Lake Erie are USA owned IMO. The orange ones arent and they are ET. 

Why didnt Knapp pursue because IMO this guy is also on the FEDS or others payroll. 

Our government doesnt care a rats ass about you or me or even the Ptresident and the #1 position they will pursue is to discredit you first. So if you dont "heel" you will obviously commit sucicide as thats #2. On another topic thats what they want Trump to do as a result of all his lawsuits. Think it through. I have because I have been there.  I heeled when Federal Judge Arcara directed me to cease and stop any more public appearances after I was on CNN internationally. Otherwise they will lock you up as he promised. 

Reference; "Mind Games" by Richard Thieme
Hi George, tough gig you have, keep punchin.

My question. What happened to that lady that did storm area 51? She only made it a few meter before getting arrested under m,martial law.

Is is all still wrapped up under national security, or does someone with those balls has a story to share?
(04-16-2024, 01:34 AM)TSK Wrote:
Hi George! I'm a fan. 
I wonder, what do you think of the idea of people like Grusch being used by the agencies as controlled opposition, or that UAP Disclosure being taken seriously by government, is merely to distract from other nefarious activities?
Thanks, and cheers. 
- Valeyard -[Image:]

Mr. Knapp graciously agreed to participate in a predrafted AMA (Ask Me Anything) session, where we'll curate the top questions for him to address. For those unfamiliar, George Knapp is a renowned American television investigative journalist, notable for his coverage of paranormal phenomena and UFOs. His groundbreaking investigations into Area 51, a secretive US Air Force facility in Nevada, catapulted him to national recognition. Knapp's insightful reporting, which often includes interviews with alleged whistleblowers and individuals with insider information, has earned him numerous prestigious awards, such as the Peabody Award and multiple Emmys.

Beyond television, Knapp is the weekend host of the popular radio show "Coast to Coast AM," delving into subjects spanning from the paranormal to conspiracy theories. He's also a prolific writer, contributing to various publications and authoring books on UFOs and related topics. Widely regarded as a leading figure in investigative journalism, Knapp's work extends into the realm of unconventional subjects, solidifying his reputation in the field.

Lets hear your questions!!!
Finaly had a moment to put some thoughts together.  Here are my questions for Mr. Knapp:

We all know that there have been UFO sightings around US military assets dating back to at least the late30’s - early 40’s. Around the early 2000’s there seems to have been a change in what’s being reported in that we’re now seeing less saucer shapes and more cigar and tic tac shaped craft. There also seems to be more swarm-like activity where multiple crafts are being reported in the same area at the same time. What would you attribute this change to?

Also, we hear a lot about these UAP swarms engaging with US military training operations, military bases and nuclear facilities, but are there any recent (say post 2000) reports of similar UAP activities happening with other countries’ military and nuclear facilities on a regular basis (especially Russia or China) or is this mostly a US phenomenon?

Lastly, it stands to reason that if the US military is encountering these UAP as regularly as has been reported, they likely have clear photos and video of these craft. We have already seen radar and thermal imaging released by the US government- why in your opinion hasn’t any video or photographic evidence been released as well and when, if ever, do you think the public might see that? 

Commander David Favor and Lieutenant Ryan Graves testified to congress that these craft were seen on a regular basis during military training activities.  Sometime for weeks at a time.  If this is the case, what’s to stop civilians from monitoring and documenting this activity on their own? In your opinion where would be the best locations currently for civilians to monitor these activities legally and safely? 

Thank you in advance for your responses. 

Velvet Elvis
So cool, thanks for putting this together...Mr Knapp 

Apologies if these have already been asked. 

First and foremost, where are we after the David Grusch Congressional Commander David Favor and Lieutenant Ryan Graves hearings? I follow U.S. Representatives Tim Burchett (TN-02), Anna Paulina Luna (FL-13), and Jared Moskowitz (FL-23) a little bit and it seems they are getting stonewalled by the DoD, and we are at the brick wall of the private corporations now undeniable role.

I am confident any corporations will fight tooth and nail over any secrets they may possess from having access to these crafts or artifacts for years. Even faced with a properly motivated congress, law firms can keep this tied up for years. Seems as if we are going to have to have an unquestioned public event occur and even that is no guarantee the Raytheon and the Lockheed Martins of the world stop stone-walling and playing ignorant like the DoD is currently doing. What can get us around this monumental roadblock, so we can learn our real history or atleast the real history of UAPs and what exactly is the non-human intelligence behind this?

Feels so close, yet so far...

Here's where Coca-Cola keeps thier corporate secrets...

[Image: ?]
His mind was not for rent to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent. Knows changes aren't permanent, but change is ....                                                                                                                   
Neil Ellwood Peart  

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