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Montana Sheriffs - UFOs And Mutes.
Good thread

cattle murilations have always been the biggest head scratcher for me.
(05-25-2024, 07:44 AM)pianopraze Wrote: cattle murilations have always been the biggest head scratcher for me.

Always scratching my head as well mate (and am sure a lot of ranchers, cops, scientists etc. feel the same way).

Don't know if you've looked into Marley Woods but there's an extremely bizarre horse death described at 01:13:00.

Would say the whole video is definitely worth a listen though.


Considering the vid in the first post deals with mutes in Montana there's also a pretty weird one from the State here:

Quote:All of a sudden, this thing was 90 to 100 feet away from us and it lit up,” Curt says. “There were seven lights, all eight foot in diameter. Poof, poof, poof. … All seven lights came on. It was probably 90 feet wide, 20 feet high. It didn’t give off no light on the outside of whatever it was. All the light was inside.”

“It was sitting on the ground, 100 feet from the road,” Curt says. “All the big lights came on, all seven of them, and when they all came on, this thing started going straight up. Real slow. It went up 10 or 20 feet and went across my hayfield. We started chasing it with the pickup, but all of a sudden it took off and got ahead of us and we lost track of it.”

“But the weird thing is,” Curt says, “they were in the middle of my cows and I think they abducted one. Because six months later, a cow out of that herd came up (mutilated). Almost everything inside the cow was gone. I think they took one of my cows up and put something into it, and I think they come back six months later and took it. Now I’ve not told anybody that, but that’s what I think.

“No teeth marks. All the cuts were straight as hell and everything inside was gone. Weird.”

Great Falls Tribune

This one from Japan is also a pretty wild one.

Quote:January 4th, 1992 - Saga Prefecture, Japan.

Late at night a farmer that had experienced strange cattle mutilations in the past was awakened by the sound of his dog barking. The farmer went to investigate and upon entering the cow shed saw a small white ‘object’ resembling a jellyfish with numerous tentacle-like protrusions coming out of its bottom. The ‘object’ was floating in the air; it then drifted outside where it vanished. A cow was discovered on the floor. It had a badly broken leg.

(Source: Jenny Randles, Peter A. Hough, World Best True UFO Stories

NICAP - 1992 UFO Chronology


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